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Cara mudah Membuat Bubur Ayam Phitan (Century Egg Chicken Congee) Terlengkap

Resep Ala Koki

Bubur Ayam Phitan (Century Egg Chicken Congee). Silky creamy century egg congee with shredded chicken. Growing up in northern China, most of the century egg congee I had was made with pork strips. However, I really love the version served at Jin Ding Xuan (金鼎轩), a famous Cantonese dim sum chain that I visit frequently.

Bubur Ayam Phitan (Century Egg Chicken Congee) This version of congee is the kind you find being sold by hawkers at almost every side street in the country. Preserved century eggs and pork, make this pork congee recipe a flavorful, savory dish with hints of salt from the century eggs. I saw how disappointed he was in not getting his congee, so I told him I'd go home and make it for him, since I knew I had preserved century egg in the fridge. Anda dapat membuat Bubur Ayam Phitan (Century Egg Chicken Congee) menggunakan 11 bahan dan 4 step by step. Begini cara memasak Bubur Ayam Phitan (Century Egg Chicken Congee) yang benar.

Bahan-bahan Bubur Ayam Phitan (Century Egg Chicken Congee)

  1. Siapkan 100 gr untuk beras putih.
  2. Anda perlu 250-300 ml untuk air.
  3. Anda perlu Secukupnya untuk Kulit pangsit.
  4. Siapkan 1 butir untuk telur phitan.
  5. Anda Membutuhkan 500 ml untuk kaldu ayam.
  6. Siapkan 1 sdt untuk kaldu ayam bubuk.
  7. Anda perlu 1/2 sdt untuk lada putih.
  8. Anda perlu 1 sdt untuk garam.
  9. Siapkan 2 sdm untuk bawang putih cincang.
  10. Anda Membutuhkan 2 sdm untuk minyak.
  11. Anda Membutuhkan Secukupnya untuk daun bawang iris (sy skip).

Century eggs though, is another ingredient besides shrimp paste, that you either like it or you don't. I always order Pork and century egg congee when we go dim sum and I used to be able to enjoy the whole bowl on my own, but now my boy has claimed the whole bowl! The Best Century Egg Recipes on Yummly Pad Kra Pow Century Eggs, Century Egg Pork Congee, * Steamed Eggs With Century Eggs And Salted Duck Eggs.

Step by step Bubur Ayam Phitan (Century Egg Chicken Congee)

  1. Kaldu ayam saya menggunakan tulang paha dan ceker ayam, 1 liter air dan 1 siung bawang putih besar di belah 2, menggunakan api kecil masak selama 1 - 1,5 jam. Ambil dagingnya dan buang tulangnya. Ini foto setelah kaldu masuk kulkas dan sudah dibuang minyak dibagian atas.
  2. Goreng bawang putih dengan minyak hingga mulai kecoklatan, sisihkan. Potong sesuai selera kulit pangsit, kibas2 untuk membuang sisa tepung, goreng hingga kecoklatan, tiriskan. Kupas telur phitan dan potong2..
  3. Dengan panci berbeda, masak beras yang sudah dicuci bersih, bawang putih belah 2 dan air hingga butiran beras hancur dengan api sedang - kecil, setelah mulai agak kental diaduk2 terus supaya bagian bawah tidak hangus. Masukan kaldu, daging ayam, telur phitan, garam, kaldu, lada, aduk rata, koreksi rasa, masak lagi sekitar 5 menit, matikan api, tutup selama 10 menit supaya lebih set buburnya.
  4. Tuang bubur dimangkok saji, beri bawang putih, daun bawang dan kulit pangsit, siap disajikan hangat, bisa ditambah dengan kecap asin dan minyak wijen sesuai selera.

Salted Egg, Century Egg and Pork Congee or 'Hum Tan Pei Tan Sau Yok Chok' is a must-order dish in any Chinese restaurants (especially Cantonese restaurants) serving Tim Sum. Due to the saltiness in the salted egg and salted meat, this tasty congee boasts the health benefit of. Classic Chinese style congee with pork and famous century egg. After all the indulgence in all Chinese New Year food, it is time to clear up the stomach. By the way, not only white rice can be used to make congee, if you love mixed version with other grains, check Chinese eight-treasure congee for.