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Cara mudah Meracik Chewy Fudgy Chocolate Cookies Terbaru

Resep Ala Koki

Chewy Fudgy Chocolate Cookies. Brownie-like chocolate cookies with shiny crunchy tops and chewy fudgy centers. A must have recipe for chocolate lovers! When I started this blog, I The cookies are almost like a brownie because they are soft, fudgy and chewy.

Chewy Fudgy Chocolate Cookies Flourless chocolate chip cookies' unique texture and structure comes from the egg whites, which essentially makes this a meringue cookie. These Chewy Chocolate Fudge Cookies are chewy, fudgy, with a beautiful crackle top and optional sea salt. We're huge fans of chocolate in Chewy Chocolate Fudge Cookies are so buttery soft with a fudge-like center. Anda dapat memasak Chewy Fudgy Chocolate Cookies menggunakan 9 bahan dan 13 langkah demi langkah. Begini cara membuat Chewy Fudgy Chocolate Cookies yang baik.

Bahan-bahan Chewy Fudgy Chocolate Cookies

  1. Siapkan 2 cup untuk gula pasir.
  2. Siapkan 2 cup untuk gula palem.
  3. Anda perlu 1 cup untuk mentega + 1 cup butter.
  4. Anda perlu 4 butir untuk telur.
  5. Siapkan 4 cup untuk terigu.
  6. Anda Membutuhkan 1 sdm untuk baking soda.
  7. Siapkan 1 cup untuk chocolate chips.
  8. Anda Membutuhkan 400 gram untuk coklat batang, cincang kasar.
  9. Anda perlu untuk Baking sheet / kertas roti.

The tops have a beautiful crinkle, crackle that makes them so pretty. Hands down one of my FAVORITE cookie recipes. If you are a chocolate LOVER like me. Thank me later! lol#GlutenFree #Cookies #Chocolate Social Media.

Instruksi Chewy Fudgy Chocolate Cookies

  1. Lelehkan mentega sampai cair (tidak sampai mendidih). Sisihkan.
  2. Campur gula pasir dan gula palem. Masukkan mentega cair. Aduk rata menggunakan whisk..
  3. Masukkan telur satu per satu sambil terus diaduk rata sampai menyatu dan kental dan creamy..
  4. Tambahkan terigu yang telah diayak dengan baking soda, sedikit demi sedikit sampai habis dan tercampur rata. Aduk dgn spatula ya...
  5. Masukkan coklat chips dan coklat blok cincang. Aduk rata..
  6. Tutup dengan plastik cling wrap dan masukkan kulkas selama 30 menit..
  7. Penampakan adonan..
  8. Panaskan oven dgn suhu 180°C selama 5 menit..
  9. Alas loyang dengan kertas roti, cetak adonan dengan sendok atau scoop es krim. Susun berjarak karena adonan akan melebar..
  10. Panggang di oven sampai permukaan telah melebar dan retak kurleb 10-15 mnt. Angkat dan dinginkan..
  11. Kue memang agak setengah kering ya, jangan terlalu kering supaya fudgy..
  12. Lanjutkan memanggang sampai adonan habis. Kue akan mengeras saat didinginkan, jaga jangan sampai terlalu kering. Dalamnya harus tetap empuk dan lembab. Aku banyak jg yg jadinya garing n kriuk krn trll kering. Hiks! Tp anak2 tetap suka sukurnya....
  13. Simpan kue di wadah kedap udara. Adonan dapat menghasilkan kurleb 2 - 2,5 kg kue kering. Ada yg ga retak jg hasilnya. Hiks. Next time harus lbh baik nih, pelajarannnn.... 😄.

Chocolate brownie cookies are soft and chewy, thanks to the brown sugar in the recipe, which not only gives a deeper flavor thanks to the molasses These chewy brownie cookies are super fudgy and gooey on the inside too, just like any good brownie should be, but you don't have to go through. This cookie recipe—a favorite of our four children—has been in my collection for years. Sometimes I'll substitute mint-flavored chips for the semisweet Either way, the chocolate cookies disappear quickly. This is one of our favorite easy chocolate chip cookie recipes. Feast your eyes on these decadent brownie-like chocolate cookies with crackly crusts and chewy fudgy centers.