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Resep: 36. Peanut Choco Thumbprint Cookies Terlengkap

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36. Peanut Choco Thumbprint Cookies. Nutella Filled Hazelnut Thumbprint cookies are quick and easy to make. The peanut butter is not overwhelming but it does bring its unique taste to these delicious cookies. I've wanted to make thumbprint cookies for quite some time and I am finally sharing with you my favorite ones, Peanut Butter Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies.

36. Peanut Choco Thumbprint Cookies They're adorable vehicles for a dollop of jam or a tiny Hershey's kiss. A quick roll in crushed peanuts makes them just that extra bit more nutty and satisfying, though you can skip this step for a simpler cookie. Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies are perfect for entertaining and everyday. Anda dapat membuat 36. Peanut Choco Thumbprint Cookies menggunakan 9 bahan dan 4 step by step. Begini cara membuat 36. Peanut Choco Thumbprint Cookies yang baik.

Bahan-bahan 36. Peanut Choco Thumbprint Cookies

  1. Siapkan 150 gr untuk margarin.
  2. Anda Membutuhkan 120 gr untuk gula halus.
  3. Anda perlu 225 gr untuk tepung terigu.
  4. Siapkan 20 gr untuk susu bubuk.
  5. Anda perlu 20 gr untuk maizena.
  6. Anda Membutuhkan 1/2 sdt untuk BP.
  7. Anda Membutuhkan 1 butir untuk kuning telur.
  8. Siapkan 200 gr untuk kacang tanah cincang (di sangrai dahulu).
  9. Anda perlu Secukupnya untuk selai coklat.

Combine butter and sugar until creamy. Thumbprint cookies are one of those classic cookies that seem to make an appearance at any event regardless what the occasion is! These cookies freeze best unbaked and unfilled. Prepare the rounds of cookie dough and press with your thumb to create a depression, and then freeze.

Instruksi 36. Peanut Choco Thumbprint Cookies

  1. Mixer margarin dan gula halus sampai pucat. Masukan kuning telur. Mixer sebentar..
  2. Masukan tepung, susu, maizena, BP sambil di ayak. Aduk hingga rata menggunakan spatula..
  3. Bulatkan adonan. Masukan adonan ke dalam putih telur. Setelah itu gilingkan ke adonan kacang yang sudah d cincang. Letakan di loyang. Tekan tengah adonan dengan jari telunjuk. Isi dengan selai coklat..
  4. Panggang dengan api atas bawah. Suhu 150 dercel. Selama 20 menit. Angkat. Tnggu hingga dingin. Sajikan..

Keyword: cookies, peanut butter, peanut butter and jelly, thumbprint cookies. As if chocolate thumbprint cookies weren't already decadent enough, this recipe takes it even further with creamy peanut butter. For starters, we added the heavenly spread to the cookie dough, which brings out the rich chocolatey flavor. Good things do indeed come in small packages as these jam-packed thumbprint cookies are proof! Classic thumbprint cookies are a festive addition to holiday cookie trays.