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Cara mudah Meracik Chocolate stick cookies Terlengkap

Resep Ala Koki

Chocolate stick cookies. Everyone needs a classic chocolate chip cookie recipe in their repertoire, and this is mine. The most classic of cookies gets a welcome makeover with this dunkable recipe for Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie Sticks. Chocolate Stick Cookies inspirasi dari Ny.

Chocolate stick cookies If you have a craving for cookies and you want them now, these yummy strips take Sprinkle chocolate chips and nuts if desired over dough; press lightly. After making these healthy chocolate chip cookies, they were all I could think about, and I knew I'd have to Because, chocolate chip cookies!!! These chocolate cookie sticks are perfect for dunking in coffee or ice-cold skim milk. Anda dapat memasak Chocolate stick cookies menggunakan 16 bahan dan 5 step by step. Begini cara membuat Chocolate stick cookies yang baik.

Bahan-bahan Chocolate stick cookies

  1. Siapkan untuk Bahan1:.
  2. Siapkan 200 gr untuk margarin.
  3. Anda perlu 100 gr untuk mentega.
  4. Anda perlu 2 untuk kuning telur.
  5. Siapkan 1 untuk putih telur.
  6. Siapkan 1/2 sdt untuk vanila.
  7. Anda perlu untuk Bahan 2 (campur dan ayak) :.
  8. Siapkan 40 gr untuk susu bubuk.
  9. Anda perlu 400 gr untuk tepung terigu protein sedang.
  10. Anda Membutuhkan 50 gr untuk tepung custard.
  11. Anda Membutuhkan untuk Bahan 3:.
  12. Siapkan 300 gr untuk coklat stick, potong jadi 2 bagian.
  13. Anda perlu untuk Bahan 4(campur dan saring untuk olesan) :.
  14. Anda perlu 3 untuk kuning telur.
  15. Anda perlu 1/2 sdt untuk minyak sayur.
  16. Anda perlu 2 tetes untuk pewarna kuning.

For variation, use cookie cutters to cut them into different shapes if you'd like. Bake this easy, kid-friendly Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe from Food Network Kitchen. The dough is ultra-versatile and requires no special equipment. Chocolate Chip Cookies are reported to be America's favorite cookie, and Ruth Wakefield's recipe has been the springboard for numerous adaptations.

Langkah-langkah Chocolate stick cookies

  1. Campur dan kocok bahan l menjadi satu hingga mengembang dan putih..
  2. Masukkan bahan 2 sedikit demi sedikit, aduk perlahan dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata..
  3. Ambil adonan, giling hingga ketebalan lebih kurang 5mm, potong sesuai ukuran stik..
  4. Letakkan stik coklat, beri sisa adonan diatasnya, oles dengan bahan olesan, panggang hingga matang dengan oven suhu 130°C selama lebih kurang 15 mnt..
  5. Angkat dan dinginkan..

As a testament to how many recipes for this cookie. Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies get a unique twist when they're sliced into fun, dunkable strips. This classic Chocolate Crinkle Cookies recipe is fun and easy to make, totally chocolatey and. Baking powder, salt, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract: Because…cookies. Powdered sugar: For rolling the cookie dough.